Un amico è come il sole: che tu lo veda o no, c'è sempre !
Congresso Nacional de Manutenção
17 and 18 November 2005, Lisboa

Calatrava Station, Lisboa

João Taborda Craveiro (APMI), Francisco Van Zeller (confadaração da industria),
Prof. Luís Andrade Ferreira (Universidade do Porto)

1st Montero Leite Award with Mrs. Montero Leite
Meeting of the European Training Committee EFNMS VZW
20 and 21 October 2005, Zagreb

Skyline of Zagreb

Meeting about Qualification of Maintenance Personnel

European Training Committee visiting Pliva Hrvatska d.o.o.
13th Plenary Meeting of CEN/TC 319
10 October 2005, Milano

The Italian Delegation

Just a little bit of fun
Jan Franlund (SE) and Colin Desborough (UK)
ICCA-Business Workshops
8 and 9 September 2005, Congress Innsbruck, Austria

On the top with of the new Bergisel ski-jump

Bergisel ski-jump
Journée de la Maintenance et du Facility-Management
9 juin 2005 à Aix-les-Bains, France

Visite des usines AREVA T&D AG
Meeting of the European Training Committee EFNMS VZW
20 May 2005, Paris

Svend Age West (DK) and Kari Comonen (FI) presenting
the Danish Postgraduate Study

Ingemar Andreason (SE), Prof. Dr Ir Pierre Dehombreux (FR),
Prof. Vaclav Legat (CZ), Alan Wilson (UK)
Visite de la Poste Colis Région Ouest
du 13 may 2005 à CH-1310 Daillens
Département Systèmes industriels et Microtechnique ME 6
de l'école d'ingénieurs du canton de Vaud (eivd - HES.SO

Etude du système de triage
Central European Forum on Maintenance 2005
9 – 10 May, 2005
Vysoké Tatry, Štrbské Pleso

Hotel Patria

Adolf Murin, President SSU
Photo: Juraj Grencik

Jan Novy (CZ), Hans Overgaard (DK), Mirta Baranovic (HR),
Guido Walt (CH), Juraj Sinay (SK)
Photo: Juraj Grencik

Conference Dinner, Hotel Patria
Photo: Juraj Grencik

Round Table
Guido Walt (CH), Mirta Baranovic (HR),
Nikola Jelas (HR), Jan Franlund (SE)
Photo: Juraj Grencik
Our attention today should be focused on three fields that might have a major
impact to the future development of maintenance as profession, but also to
the surroundings of maintenance activities.
These are new technologies, learning and transfer of knowledge, and increased
social responsibility on individual and corporate level.
Mirta Baranovic
There are companies in Europe with less than 50% of skilled collaborators in maintenance.
- Do they understand the management?
- Does maintenance personnel have the required competence to meet the future?
- Do they know the opportunities of good maintenance?
- Are they able to communicate within their environment?
Guido Walt
1a Conferenza Internazionale sulla Gestione della

14-15, Aprile 2005
La Prima Conferenza Internazionale sulla Gestione della Manutenzione,
MM2005, frutto della collaborazione tra il CEN - Comitato Europeo
di Normazione, il CNIM - Comitato Nazionale Italiano per la Manutenzione
e l'UNI - Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione, aveva lo scopo di
mettere in contatto scienziati, ricercatori, tecnici ed esperti
interessati ai temi correlati con la gestione della manutenzione
nei diversi ambiti applicativi.

Bruno Dolcetta, Insula SpA
La Manutenzione urbana
La scelta strategica per il futuro di Venezia

The main targets of a competitive maintenance management system can be represented by its
preservation capability and quality improvement taking into account the preservation of the
Environment and our quality of life. In order to reach the above goals, cooperation and coordination
between all involved institutional, research and business parties are required.
Lorenzo Fedele
CNIM Secretary General
CEN TC 319 Chairman
Maintenance becomes of central importance in a world where the need for planning and keeping under control
the human activities are more and more required in a prospective of a sustainable development in a
well-defined volume.
Aurelio Misiti
CNIM Honorary President
Activities linked to Maintenance have a great added value and a low specific investment which
grants employment.
The number of Enterprises involved in maintenance services is growing due to the outsourcing
tendency. Moreover, an offer of composed maintenance services is constantly being developed by
result contracts and facility management. Outsourcing allows the service provider to realize
important scale economies, to develop the personnel role and to obtain an equal employment level.
Marcello Mauro
President of CNIM
12th Plenary Meeting of CEN/TC 319
13th April 2005, Venezia

T. Van Hardeveld, Canada
Convenor IEC/TC/56/WG3 - Dependability Management
Challenges for maintenance:
- Perception of maintenance as secondary to reliability and other factors
- Divided organizationally and usually no single point of responsibility
- Challenges caused by outsourcing of maintenance activities
- Confusion caused by different philosophies and approaches
- No accepted framework for maintenance management
- Lack of comprehensive international standards
- No consistent terminology

CEN/TC 319: Colazione di lavoro
Instandhaltung in Spitälern 2005

Eine neue Branche entsteht
InstaCon 2005
1. bis 3. März 2005, Basel

Best Practice Tour
Syngenta Corp Protection AG

Instandhaltung immer gross geschrieben
Middle East
Training project
13th to 17th February, 2005

The team is working
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