Un amico è come il sole: che tu lo veda o no, c'è sempre !
9th TnPM National Congress
"Team Work---The Vigorous Source of TnPM"
15 to 17 September 2011,
Qingdao - China
Total Productive Maintenance Committee
TnPM Development Center
World Maintenance Forum

Qingdao - on the Pacific coast

Mr. Li Baowen (center) with Mr. Guido Walt and Peter Willmott. / Welcome to the 9th TnPM National Congress, Qingdao.

Let's move to New Horizons.

Mr. Li Baowen (CN) welcomed 450 participants. / Li Baowen, Ming Che Huang (TW), Guido Walt (CH), Peter Willmott (UK), Hsu Shing-Cheng (TW).

Mr. Ma Zhihong (CN): "About TnPM applications in shipyards".

Top Talks with Mr. Ma Zhihong and Mr. Willmott.
"Transform culture and sustain it - through team working" said Mr. Willmott.
Ownership of new processes is the key for success, he said.

Catering during coffee breaks.
Second day

Mr. Guido Walt, Chaiman of the World Maintenance Forum, focussing on "Team Work---The Vigorous Source of TnPM".
Clear and constructive communication is a crucial element.
We must work in partnership which brings mutual and lasting benefits.

Top Talks with Mr. Li Baowen and Mr. Guido Walt

450 participants attended the event.
TnPM Awards

TnPM Award for outstanding performance.

Congratulations to the teams.

TnPM exhibition was of great interest.

Exhibition booth.
Industrial visit


Impressive industrial visit.
Last VocTrainMaint Meeting
8th and 9th of September 2011,
Clarion Hotel
Dublin - Ireland.

The new business area of Dublin
All developed material will be published on this webpage.

Dublin Meeting: 08 and 09 September 2011
This was the last VocTrainMaint meeting.
Ingemar Andreason was giving a “thank you” for all contribution to the project and with a hope that
the project group in other forms will meet again.
CEN/TC 319, Workig Group 9 "Qualification of Maintenance Personnel"
Expert Meeting, 24 August 2011, UNI, Milan

La Galleria Vittorio Emmanuele II
The scope of the meeting was to find a first compromise between
the new Italian Standard UNI 11420 "Manutenzione - Qualifica del personale
di manutenzione" and the German draft for preparing a prEN 15628.

The group in good shape.
In front: Francesco Cangialosi, Former president AIMAN.
EURIAC - International training opportunities for European
youngsters in industrial vocational education

There is great interest from vocational education providers and the industry
to create a European education together that meets the skills needs of the
high-tech industry of today and tomorrow.
As a result, the EU project European Industrial Automation Class, EURIAC,
has been granted full financing from Lifelong Learning Program and will start
off in October 2011.
Kungsbacka municipality in Sweden is the lead partner of the project which includes
eight partners from five European countries (Sweden, Switzerland, Finland, Spain, Germany).
The aim of the project is to create a European vocational education and training module
in industrial automation that will offer students the opportunity to carry out part
of the education abroad.
The industry is in great need of people with broad technical expertise,
Ingemar Andréason states from the Swedish association of reliability and maintenance
technology, UTEK, who is one of the industry representatives in the project.
European industry is facing several challenges such as technology shift, industrial
streamlining to save energy, generation gap and increased competition from the
developing countries. We can meet these challenges through enhanced training that
equips the students with multi-skills.
The European class will be designed as a stand-alone course module that can be integrated
into any European vocational education and training program in industrial automation.
It can also be offered as a separate course for adults in vocational education.
Already, the industry has shown interest in offering the course module as an internal
corporate training course.
The course module will be designed using the ECVET framework, which is the European credit
system for vocational education and training. By that, it becomes a practical example of
how to apply the framework to facilitate the transfer and recognition of the knowledge,
skills and competencies students acquire when studying abroad.
We are so pleased to have been provided this opportunity to create another European class
in vocational education and training, the project manager of EURIAC at Elof Lindälvs
Gymnasium in Kungsbacka, Sweden, states.
The school has been involved in a similar project resulting in a successful vocational
European class in truck maintenance. The project generated many great opportunities for
those involved. Among many things, Elof Lindälvs gymnasium and Kungsbacka municipality
have become the most experienced ECVET practitioners in Sweden.
The project is also in line with the flagship initiative Youth on the Move in the
new European economic strategy, Europe 2020, to facilitate young people’s entry to the
European labour market.

The project leader Pernilla Öhberg, Elof Lindälvs Gymnasium, Kungsbacka, Sweden.
Kick-off meeting: 12 to 14 October 2011
Radius College, Breda, The Netherlands
All professionals in operation and maintenance should have certain competencies in automation.
This is the opinion of a lot of production and / or maintenance managers, to-day.
The European Industrial Automation Class – an outstanding education program for youngsters - will
be implemented in the frame of 4 “2 week training modules” including both class training
and practical on-site training. The aim is to promote the competence in Automation on
the work floor, in close collaboration with industry.
Visit of the laboratories of the Radius College

Training facilities in automation.

Training facilities in automation.
GV fmPro 2011 mit Fachtagung

Es lächelt der See, er ladet zum Bade.
1. ordentliche Generalversammlung mit
Fachtagung Facility Management and Maintennce
11. Mai 2011 im Kongresshaus Zürich
- Vergabepolitik bei Megaprojekte am Beispiel Andermatt Swiss Alps
- Innovationen im Spital-FM
- Neue Herausforderungen im Maintenance Markt

Herr Ihab Morgan, Head Destination Planning, Andermatt Swiss Alps AG.

Erfrischung und Erfahrungsaustausch an der Sonne.
Maintenance NEXT

12 to 14 April 2011
Ahoy Center
Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
The exhibition "Maintenance NEXT" was splitted in three main areas:
- Energy NEXT - Focus: Wind power
- Process NEXT- Focus: Chemical processing
- Mobility NEXT - Focus: Electric vehicles.
More than 300 exhibiters were present and highligthed the state-of-the-art.

Too big to fail (Tractor Pulling Team Inter-Techno Lambada, NL)
"Maintenance Interreg": Public-private cooperation for innovating the Maintenance industry
On 14 April 2011, there was organized a meeting for starting
an international collaborative project to support
innovation and business development in the maintenance industry.
The objective is to strengthen international cooperation and to develop
collaboration between the maintenance industry and relevant regional
and national authorities.
VocTrainMaint Meeting

Ueber unser Projekt.
17. und 18. March 2011,
UTEK Office,
Stockholm – Sweden.
VocTrainMaint is a Leonardo project running from October 2009 to end of 2011 under the
Lifelong Learning Programme and financially supported by the European Commission.
It allowed industries’ needs to be clearly defined.
About 100 completed questionnaires were received from SMEs and some international companies.
More skilled workers
Many active employees work at lower skilled levels. However, the Process Industry needs
more and more employees able to function at higher level (technician level).
Companies in different sectors are struggling with shortages of skilled workers.
Learning outcomes
Focusing on learning outcomes means shifting to what a person should know
from the point of view of the labor market and what a person is able to do.

Stockholm Meeting: 17 and 18 March 2011
Strengthening the global value of Maintenance
Human resources, education, training, and qualification are important areas
for globalizing Maintenance and increasing the value of Maintenance.
In the frame of the Leonardo Project VocTrainMaint were developed the corresponding curriculums
and syllabi for both levels (Maintenance Technician and Maintenance Supervisor).
In the final stage of the project will be developed some marketing tools.
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