Un amico è come il sole: che tu lo veda o no, c'è sempre !
The 4th IMA World Maintenance Forum 2019
30 and 31 of October 2019
Convention Center (PALAZZO DEI CONGRESSI), Lugano, Switzerland

Esplanade of Lugano
The First Global Meeting of Maintenance Societies
Focus: A Worldwide Overview of Current Practice of Maintenance Training & Education (ME&T).

left: Convention Center; right: Prof. Li Baowen (CN), Roberto Ravaglia (IT) and Prof. Claudio Rolandi (IT).
Alan Wilson (UK): ME&T Study
ME&T Study Committee members (UK, DE, Ca, It, CH, US, NO, CN, AU, BO): Survey, Results and Analysis
Claudio Rolandi: Industrial Automation
Andreas Weissenbach (DE) and Anja-Bettina Zurmuehl (DE): Blended learning
Andrew Starr (UK): Industrial Practitioners and Apprenticeship
Andrew Jardine (CA): Institute of Asset Management and Int. Society of Engineering
Li Baowen (CN): Shareford Consulting Group, China
Guido Walt (CH): Swiss System ME&T
Ilkka Palsola (FI): The importance of certification
Franco Santini (IT): Maintenance Function and Maintenance Manager Competencies
Claudio Rolandi (IT), Andrew Jardine (CA), Franco Santini (IT), Guido Walt (CH), Alan Wilson (UK): Panel Discussion.

left: The Chairman of IMA Dr. Zohair Al Sarraj (KSA);
right: Dr. Alan Wilson (UK), presenting the ME&E study together with the committee members.

left: Professor Li Baowen (CN), presenting a Chinese Case Study about Training and Education in China;
right: Professor Hassam Eldin Hassan Elborombaly (KSA) in discussion with Professor Li Baowen.

left: Professor Andrew Jardine (Can), presenting activities of the Institute of Asset Management (Univ. of Toronto, Can.)
and the Int. Society of Engineering (Asset Management);
right: Professor Andrew Starr (UK), about Master Level Provision for Industrial Practitioners and
Apprendiceship Training.

left: Mrs. Anja-Bettina Zurmühl (DE) and Professor Andreas Weissenbach (DE), presenting Web-based Training for Maintenance Management;
right: Professor Andreas Weissenbach (DE), relaxed after the presentation.

left: The auditorium; right: Mrs. Nada Stanojevic (rs).
Lunch time:

IMA Board Meeting

Maintenance Education and Training (ME&T)
Study Group Meeting on 16 September 2019, IMA Office, Lugano-Paradiso, Switzerland.

Skyline of Lugano

left: The Chairman of IMA Dr. Zohair Al Sarraj (KSA) and Dr, Jamal El Chaar (CH);
right: Alan Wilson (UK), Coordinator of the study.

left: Prof. Claudio Rolandi, SUPSI (CH); right: Prof. Andreas Weissenbach, University Mosbach (DE) ordering the lunch.

Business lunch near the IMA-Office.
Results of the Study Group will be presented during the 3rd IMA World Maintenance Forum 2019 -
The First Global Meeting of Maintenance Societies.
Focus: Worldwide Overview of Current Practice of Maintenance Training & Education.
30 and 31 of October 2019 at the Convention Center (PALAZZO DEI CONGRESSI), Lugano, Switzerland.
More information
9. Ordentliche Generalversammlung
28. März 2019, Hotel Sempacherhof & Paraplegikerzentrum; Nottwil (Schweiz)

links: Susanne Baumann, abtretende Präsidentin fmpro; rechts: Karin Schad, frisch gewählte Präsidentin fmpro.

links: Thierry Granger, frisch gewähltes Vorstandsmitglied; rechts: Herbert Kessler, Networking nach der GV fmpro.
International Maintenance Association (IMA)
IMA Study Committee Kick-Off Meeting
07 March 2019, IMA Office, Lugano-Paradiso, Switzerland.

Guideline for Maintenance Education and Training
Actually, there are no global Guidelines for Maintenance Education and Training available.
Therefore the International Association for Maintenance (IMA) is willing to fill this gap.
A questionnaire will be developed and circulated around the world for better describing scopes.
In September or October 2019, the 3rd IMA World Maintenance Forum will be organized in Lugano (Switzerland) for promoting Global Education and Training in the field of Maintenance.

left: Alan Wilson (UK), Coordinator of the study; right The Chairman of IMA Dr. Zohair Al Sarraj (KSA).

left:left: Peter Willmott (UK), Alan Wilson (UK) and Franco Santini (IT)
right: Dr, Jamal El Chaar (CH) and Dr. Zohair Al Sarraj (KSA).

left:left: Claudio Rolandi (IT) and Franco Santini (IT); right: Peter Willmott (UK) and Alan Wilson (UK).
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