Un amico è come il sole: che tu lo veda o no, c'è sempre !
OMAINTEC 2016 – Conference and Exhibition - 14th Operation and Maintenance Conference in the Arab Countries
under the patronage of the custodian of the two holly mosques King Salman Bin Abtulaziz Al Saud.
11 to 13 December 2016, Hilton Hotel, Jeddah, KSA.

The remarkable success of OMAINTEC previous thirteen convened editions (from 2002 to 2015),
gave the organizers, associates and stakeholders the keenness in providing the consistent
platform for international field-experts and organizations to share and exchange their
knowledge with the regional policy and decision makers.
As OMAINTEC is considered the only regional event tackling this vital subject, it opens
the doors to key O&M operators and managers to exchange their expertise and enrich their
knowledge about the new applied techniques to improve the effectiveness of their
maintenance & operation’s management strategies and work plans.
More Information
CEN/TC 319 Maintenance
European Committee for Standardization (CEN)
24th Plenary Meeting
05 October 2016, UNI-Office, Milano, Italy

Piazza Lodi.
Short messages
Working group 6 will finish a draft for the revision of EN 15341.
Working group 8 has a new title and new objectives. The focus will be
"Maintenance functions and maintenance management".
Working group 9 will develop a document that can help to identify how to
detail the competencies of EN 15628.
Working group 10 will re-define the scopes of prEN 16646-2.
A new working group 14 is proposed: WG 14: "Maintenance engineering".

The participants.

left: The chairman Franco Santini (IT),
right: The Norvegian delegation: Per Scholberg and Merete Holmen Murvold.

left: Kari Komonen (FI),
right: Rui Manuel C. Calejo Rodrigues from the Universidade do Porto (PT).
The China Congress of Plant Engineering 2016
20 to 22 September 2016, Crowne Plaza Wuxi Taihu Hotel, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, (China)

Wuxi on the Taihu Lake.
China Association of Plant Engineering
International Maintenance Association
Shareford International Consulting Group Co.,Ltd
Opening and Plenary Sessions

CAPE = China Association of Plant Engineering.

left: CAPE president, Mr. Wong Jinxiang, right: Professor Li Baowen.
Congress Opening and Welcome speaches.
Conference Theme:
Following the trend of industrial 4.0,
Upgrading equipment management and equipment manufacturing industry !
Conference features:
Top annual communication platform.
More than 130 China's largest equipment manufacturing enterprises with more than 500 participants.
Participating industries: Tobacco, steel, non-ferrous metal, automobile, petroleum and petrochemical,
pharmaceutical, mining, aerospace, energy, food and beverage, military, etc.

left: CAPE president, Mr. Wong Jinxiang and Academician Jie Zhang, President of the Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
right: CAPE Award distribution.

Mr. Niu Changwen, General Secretary of CAPE.

left: CAPE Vice-Chairman and Vice Secretary General, Mr. Wei Jinglin,
right: Mr. Bob Xu, Guangzhou Shareford Maintenance Consulting Co.,Ltd.

Poster exhibition.

left: CAPE booth, right: Visual factory.

left: ICML - International Council for Machinery Lurication, right: Vibcare.
Industrial visit of TCL King Electrical Appliance (Wuxi) CO., Ltd.


Presentation of TCL Wuxi.

left: Production of LED-screens, right: TnPM Safety charts (Shareford Maintenance Consulting Co.,Ltd).
Fun and relaxing after the event
Visit of the Turtle Head Scenic Resort together with the Shareford Team

1st sign means turtle, the 2nd means dragon.

left: Professor Li Baowen and Bob, right: Dragon controlled by the turtle.

left: Old Chinese instruments - excellent presentation.

left: Pirates in front of the isle, right: Bob jumping for his life.

The Shareford team under stress.

The Taihu Lake Isle.

Selfie - what else.
Thank you very much for the nice days.
The Grand Canal - part of the silk road

The Grand Canal, connecting Beijing and Hangzhou, passes through Wuxi. It is the longest canal in the world.
The Grand Canal has a length is 1974 km. It was built 2400 years ago. Today, it is a UNESCO World Heritage.
China Today, Vol. 65, No 9 (September 2016)
EUROMaintenance 2016
30 May to 01 June, Athens Ledra Hotel, ATHENS (Greece)

Welcome Reception - Poolparty

left: Last preparations for the welcome drink ; right: Party starts, center: Mrs. Jinrong Wang.

Further glasses with Joel Leonard (US).


Around the swimming pool.

left: Zensuke Matsuda (JP) and Mr. Nakamura (JP),
right: Janez Tomazin (SLO), Alan Wlson (UK) and Dr. Zohair (KSA).
Keynote Lectures

left: Zensuke Matsuda (JP) Progressing Innovation in Maintenance and TPM,
right: Frieder Mathis (DE) TPM Implementation at Daimler Trucks.
Coffee breaks

left: Steve Turner (AU) and Jim Kennedy (AU), right: The Norwegian group
Future and Emerging Maintenance Practices

left: Prof. Ioannis Antoniadis (GR) Adv. Analysis Tools for Early Anomaly Dedection and Visualization
in Large Scale Complex Ind. Installations,
right: Bernard Schmidt (SE) Big Data in Maintenance Decisions Support Systems.
Best Practices

left: Eduardo Calixto (UK) The Offshore Process Case Study,
right: Marcel Morsing (NL) Transformative Asset Management Technology.
Maintenance and Asset Management

left: Isidor Durazo-Cardenas (UK) Fusion of Railway Network Data Streams,
right: Bernardo Tormos (ES) Optimisation Approach for Fleet Replacement under Uncertainity.
Gala Dinner in the Motor Museum

left: Excellent performance, right: Shall we dance.

left: Board members of the Internatinal Maintenance Association,
right: Luis Andrade Ferreira (PT), Antoine Despujols (FR), Bernardo Tormos (ES) and Gerardo Alvarez Cuerva (ES).

Joel - Joel.

left: Best speaker and best dancer, right: Barbara and Guido Walt (CH) with Dr. Zohair (KSA) in the middle.
Asset Management Workshop

left: Alan Wilson (UK) Performance evaluation,
right: Janez Tomazin (SLO) Case study.
Closing Ceremony

left: The winners of the Best Speakers Award,
right: George Efremidis, President of the Helenic Maintenance Society (HMS).

Booths of Atlantis and SIVECO.

left: Rao Palakodeti (US) and Eduardo Calixto (UK), right: ISOgraph.
Athens Ledra Hotel is closing - the personnel is striking!

Last custemers having the breakfast in the hotel lobby.

left: Last customer, right: Agony.
Tourism on Friday

Blue - blue!

left: VJ on board, right: Photograph !
EFNMS General Assembly
29 May 2016, Athens Ledra Hotel, ATHENS (Greece)

The board of Directors EFNMS.
From left: Per Schjolberg (NO), Herman Baets (BE), Franco Santini (IT), Cosmas Vamvalis (GR), David Merbecks (DE).
Cosmas Vamvalis from the Hellenic Maintenance Society (HMS), Greece has been elected as the new Chairman EFNMS.
IMA World Maintenance Forum
05 to 07 April 2016, Convention Center, Lugano (Switzerland)

In front of the Monte San Salvatore.

Congress Center Lugano.
Grand Opening

Prof. Dr. Emanuele Carpanzano (CH) and Dr. Zohair ALSARRAJ (KSA), opening the World Maintenance Forum 2016.

Prof. Li Baowen (CN) and Dr. Mohammad ALFOUZAN (KSA).
Plenary Session: Smart Cities
Chairman: Giambattista Ravano, Deputy Director of Research and Innovation of SUPSI (CH)
Gloria Grau (ES): Smart city case study Barcelona
Maurizio Peralti (CH): From anti-counterfeiting to certification of maintenance operations
Gianni Minetti (CH): The Internet of Things for smarter Asset Management

Giambattista Ravano, SUPSI (CH) and Gloria Grau, TESSEM (ES).
Key message: Cost reduction by sensor maintenance improvements! Gloria Grau

Exchange of experience: Maurizio Peralti (CH) and Franco Santini (IT); Gianni Minetti (CH) and Mohammed Alrafaa (KSA).
Key message:
Trend: From predictive to prognostic maintenance! Gianni Minetti

left: Gloria Grau (ES), Dr. Jamal El-Chaar (CH) and Dr. Zohair ALSARRAJ (KSA);
right Per Schjolberg, NUST (NO) and Alan Wilson, Carmichael (UK)
Lunch time

left: The cybersecurity team; right Li Baowen (CN) and Rolando Fuentes Reyes (BO)
Parallel Session: Asset Management
Chairman: Alan Wilson, CARMICHAEL (UK)
Mohammed Al-Mofarj (KSA): Spur investment to extend assets life
Tim Zaal (NL): ISO 55000 and Maintenance Organization
Jean-Pascal Foucault (FR): Asset Management Data Reliability in The Field Of Capital Expeniture For Building Maintenance

left: Tim Zaal, Hogeschool Utrecht (NL); right: Jean-Pascale Foucault, Sorbonne universités (FR).
Key message:
Not hardware, not software but people are the highest security risk! Jean-Pascale Foucault
Parallel Session: Standardization and Best Practice
Chairman: Per Schjolberg, NUST (NO)
Ali Amer Al-Khairi (KSA): Working Practice and Needs for Improvement
Theodor Bühler (CH): The growing importance of technical standards
Franco Santini (IT): CEN TC 319 Maintenance
Graziano Perotti (IT): Best practices implementation on the basis of a elf audit

Theodor Bühler, lawyer (CH), Franco Santini, Chairman CEN/TC 319 (IT) and Graziano Perotti, Festo CTE (IT).
Key message:
Copyrights on standards are not always valid - Clarification is needed. Theodor Bühler
Parallel Session: RAMS
Chairman: Enzo Teghi
Abdullah Atyah Al- Ghamdi (KSA): Replacement Priorization of Major electrical assets at HV substations
Terje Nilsen / Rolf Arne Syvertsen (NO): Raylway - Selection and application of risk acceptance principles
Chris Rijsdijk (NL): Validation of RAMS requirements - a case study

left: Abdullah Atyah Al- Ghamdi, National Grid (KSA); right: Terje Nilsen, Lloyds Register Consulting (NO).
Key message:
Decision logics must include knowkledge of persons. Terje Nilsen
Parallel Session: Strategic Management
Chairman: Guido Walt (CH)
Krige Visser / Mark Skinner (ZA): Maintenance Strategy and Maintenance Performance Measurement in the Automotive Industry
Li Baowen (CN): About Maintenance Audit
Rolando Fuentes Reyes (BO): Turnarounds and TOC (Theory of Constraints

left: Li Baowen, Shareford Maintenance Consulting (CN) and Rolando Fuentes Reyes, YPFB Refinacion S.A. (BO); right: Mark Skinner, University of Pretoria (ZA).
Key message:
The quality of maintenance should be measured - including also maintenance processes,
spare part management and cost of poor quality of maintenance. Mark Skinner and Li Baowen
Plenary Session: Continuous Maintenance and Monitoring of Cybersecurity
Chairman: Gerardo Costabile (IT)
Francesca Bosco (UNICRI): European critical infrastructures and cyber protection
Andrea Carcano (IT): Why Standard technology fails in protect SCADA system - a real case
Antonio Mauro (IT): Internet of things and Cybersecurity: Vehicles security or (in)security

left: Gerardo Costabile, Fastweb Spa (Swisscom AG Group) (IT)
right: Francesca Bosco, UN Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institut (UNICRI);
Andrea Carcano NOZOMI Network (CH) and Antonio Mauro, Octo Telematics S.p.A. (IT).
Key message:
There is a Council Directive 2008/114/EC of 8 December 2008 on the identification and designation
of European critical infrastructures and the assessment of the need to improve their protection. Francesca Bosco
Workshop: Mobile Security Challenges in Modern Enterprises
Chairman: Andrey Belenko, Skype (CZ)
Key message:
Malicious developers may inject backdoors - they can be injected even without developer's knowledge.
Gala Dinner

left: Paula Gonçalves - Major in the Portuguese Air Force (PT); right: Mr. and Mrs Li Baowen (CN)
It was an outstanding event.
International Maintenance Association (IMA): General Assembly 2016

The IMA committee-members. Photo Vanessa Battisti, SUPSI
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