Shaping our future together

Press release 05 December 2011.
The European Committee for Standardization (CEN) is a business catalyst in Europe,
removing trade barriers for European stakeholders such as industry, public administration,
service providers, consumers and other stakeholders. Its mission is to foster the
European economy in global trading, the welfare of European citizens, and the environment.
Through its services CEN provides a platform for the development of European Standards
and other specifications.
CEN’s 31 National Members work together to develop voluntary European Standards (ENs)
in various sectors to build a European Internal Market for goods and services and to
position Europe in the global economy. By supporting research, and helping disseminate
innovation, standards are a powerful tool for economic growth. More than 60.000 technical
experts as well as business federations, consumer and other societal interest organizations
are involved in the CEN network that reaches over 500 million people.
For further information
CEN/TC 319 - Maintenance
List of publications
- EN 13269: 2016 - Instandhaltung - Anleitung zur Erstellung von Instandhaltungsverträgen.
- EN 13306: 2017 - Instandhaltung - Begriffe der Instandhaltung.
- EN 13460: 2009 - Instandhaltung - Documente für die Instandhaltung.
- EN 15331: 2011 - Kriterien für Entwicklung, Leitung und Ueberwachung von Instandhaltungsdienstleistungen von Gebäuden.
- EN 15341: 2006 - Instandhaltung - Wesentliche Leistungskennzahlen für den Instandhaltungszustand.
- EN 15628: 2014 - Instandhaltung – Qualifikation von Instandhaltungspersonal.
- EN 16646: 2014 - Instandhaltung - Instandhaltung im Rahmen des Anlagenmanagements.
- prEN 16646-2 - Methodology to improve life cycle performance and to achieve a sustainable
physical asset.
- EN 16991: 2018 - Risikobasierte Inspektion (RBIF).
- EN 17007: 2017 - Instandhaltungsprozess.
Languages: english, french, german
News from CEN TC 319:
Mr. Franco Santini (IT), Chairperson of CEN TC 319.
- WG 2 Documentation for maintenance
closed for the moment; waiting for possible need to open it again.
EN 13460: 2009 Maintenance - Documents for Maintenance.
- WG 3 Maintenance Agreements
Convenor: Saverio Albanese (IT)
closed for the moment; waiting for possible need to open it again.
EN 13269: 2016 - Maintenance - Guideline on preparation of maintenance contracts.
- WG 4 Terminology
Convenor: Antoine Despujols, FR
EN 13306: 2017 - Maintenance - Maintenance Terminology.
- WG 6 Maintenance Performance and Indicators
Convenor: Mr. Franco Santini, IT
EN 15341 - Maintenance - Maintenance Key Performance Indicators.
In revision.
- WG 7 Maintenance of Buildings
Convenor: Mr. Giancarlo Paganin, IT
EN 15331:2011 Criteria for design, management and control of maintenance services for buildings.
In revision.
- WG 8 Maintenance Functions and Maintenance Management
Convenor: Mr. Franco Santini, IT
The revised title was agreed by CEN TC 319.
Call for experts.
- WG 9 Qualification of Maintenance Personnel
Convenor: Mr. Guido Walt, CH
EN 15628:2014 - Maintenance - Qualification of maintenance personnel.
New document for detailing the competences, in preparation.
- WG 10 Maintenance within a Physical Asset Management
Convenor: Kari Komonen, FI and Kimmo Konkarikoski, FI,
prEN 17485:2020 - Maintenance within physical asset management - Framework
for improving the value of physical assets through their whole life cycle.
EN 16646-1:2014 - Maintenance - Maintenance within physical asset management.
- WG 11 Condition Assessment Methodology
Convenor: open
This item for the time being is proposed as Technical Specification.
Different subjects are proposed to consider, as
- Energy Performance
- Fire safety
- Risk analyse
- SHE- assessment
- FMECA, etc.
To consider also EN 16096:2012 Conservation of cultural properties - Condition survey
and report of cultural heritage (CEN TC 346).
- WG 12 Risk based inspection framework
Convenor: Mr Aleksandar Jovanovich, NL/DE
EN 16991: 2018 - Risk-based inspection framework (RBIF)
- WG 13 Maintenance processes
Convenor: Mr Antoine Despujols, FR
EN 17007:2017 - Maintenance process and associated indicators.
- WG 14 Maintenance Engineering
Convenor: Mr. Per Schjolberg
Activation of the preliminary work item ongoing.
- Next meetings CEN TC 319
28th Plenary meeting; 28 October 2020, virtuel.
Market take-up of innovation – role of European Standards
The European Standards Organizations welcome the proposal for HORIZON 2020
Press Release: Brussels, 5 December 2011
Brussels, 5 December 2011 - The proposal for HORIZON 2020, adopted on 30 November 2011
by the European Commission, recognizes the role of standardization in supporting the
market take-up of innovation. The European Standards Organizations are fully committed
to play a key role in HORIZON 2020, hence contributing to the objectives of the Innovation Union.
In the new proposal for HORIZON 2020, standardization is mentioned in all three priority pillars:
Excellent Science, Industrial Leadership and Societal Challenges. Standards and the standardization
process are identified as tools which help accelerate the deployment and diffusion of innovative
products and services into the market.
The key role of standardization as a bridge between research, innovation and market has been
recognized in recent political initiatives by all EU institutions. More and more researchers
and companies understand the role standards play and seek to include pre-normative research
and standardization activities in their research projects.
The implementation of Horizon 2020 will aim to respond to the evolving opportunities and
needs from science and technology, industry, policies and society. The European Standards
Organizations are fully committed to support Horizon 2020 and help tackle the technical
barriers to innovation in Europe. We are seeking considerable improvements in the links
between standardization, innovation and research, and are ready to collaborate with the
European Commission to provide a long-term framework to link appropriate research results
with standardization.
Visit us at the Innovation Convention
List of publications
- ASTM E1670-95a(1999) - Standard Classification for Serviceability of an Office Facility for Management of Operations and Maintenance
- ASTM E2135-02 - Standard Terminology for Property and Asset Management
- IEC 50090-192:2015 - International Electro-technical vocabulary -
Dependability and quality of services
- IEC 60300-1 - Dependability management
Part 1: Dependability management systems
- IEC 60300-2 - Dependability management
Part 2: Guidelines for dependability management
- IEC 60300-3-3 - Dependability management
Part 3-3: Application guide - Life cycle costing
- IEC 60300-3-10 - Dependability management
Part 3-10: Application guide - Maintainability
- IEC 60300-3-14 - Dependability management (first edition 2004)
Part 3-14: Application guide - Maintenence and maintenance support
- IEC 60300-3-16 - Dependability management (2007)
Part 3-16: Application guide - Guideline for the specification of maintenance support services
- IEC 60706-2 - Maintainability of equipment -
Part 2: Maintainability requirements and studies during the design and development phase
- IEC 60706-3 - Maintainability of equipment
Part 3: Verification and collection, analysis and presentation of data
- IEC 60706-5 - Maintainability of equipment
Part 5: Testability and diagnostic testing
- ISO/WD 15686-5 - Buildings and constructed assets -- Service life planning
- ISO 15642 - Road construction and maintenance equipment -- Asphalt mixing plants -- Terminology and commercial specifications
- ISO/DIS 16039 - Road construction and maintenance equipment -- Slipform pavers -- Vocabulary and commercial specifications
- ISO 18436-1 "Condition monitoring and diagrostics of machines- Requirements
for training and certification of personnel
Part 1: Requirements for certifying bodies and the certification process"
- ISO 31000:2009 - Risk management Principles and Guidelines
- SAE: JA1012 - A Guide to the Reliability Maintenance (Rcm) Standard
List of publications
- ISO 9001: 2000 - Quality Management Standard
- ISO 14001: 2004 - Environmental Management Standard
- ISO/IEC 17007: 2009 - Conformity assessment - Guidance for drafting normative documents suitable for use for conformity assessment
- OHSAS 18001: 1999 - Certification of occupational health and safety management systems
- ILO-OSH: 2001 (International Labour Office -ILO) - Guidelines on occupational safety and health management systems
- ISO 45001: 2018 - Occupational health and safety management systems
- ISO 26000: 2010 - Guidance Standard on Social Responsibility
- ISO/DIS 41001 - Facility management — Management systems — Requirements with guidance for use
- ISO 55000 - Asset Management - Overview, priciples and terminology
- ISO 55001 - Asset Management - Management systems - Requirements
- ISO 55002 - Asset Management - Management systems - Guidelines for the application of ISO 55001
CEN/TC 348 Facility Management
List of publications
- EN 15221-1:2006 Facility Management - Part 1: Terms and definitions
- EN 15221-2:2006 Facility Management - Part 2: Guidance on how to prepare Facility Management agreements
- EN 15221-3 Facility Management - Part 3: Guidance on quality in Facility Management
- EN 15221-4 Facility Management - Part 4: Taxonomy, Classification and Structures in Facility Management
- EN 15221-5 Facility Management - Part 5: Guidance on Facility Management processes
- EN 15221-6 Facility Management - Part 6: Area and Space Measurement in Facility Management
- EN 15221-7 Facility Management - Part 7: Performance Benchmarking
ISO/TC 267 Facility Management
List of publications
- ISO 41001 Facility management - Management systems - Requirements with guidance for use
- ISO 41011 Facility management - Vocabulary
- ISO 41012 Facility management - Guidance on strategic sourcing and the development of agreements
- ISO/TR 41013 Facility management - Scope, key concepts and benefits
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